Now the festivities of Christmas and New Year have passed we can get on with the normality of the everyday lives most of us lead.
The morning alarm, the commute to work, the school run - all very mundane after the madness of the festive season. I like mundane, it's much more peaceful than all that worrying and rushing round the shops buying food and drink that nobody really needs and searching for that special gift!
Let's all take a deep breath in and get back to normality. Let's enjoy the peace and quiet. Let's keep it simple.
Our ego loves us to be preoccupied with the complexities of life. It loves us to become involved in the minute details, instructions and rules on how to do this and that because then we are not focussing on our spiritual path.
Our ego loves it when we join endless courses and workshops to learn basically what we already know about healing and spirituality. This is because whilst we are forever learning something different, we never actually get to use anything we learn.
There are many different spiritual pathways to follow, but the basic premise is the same, the destination is the same, the goal is the same. That goal is to reach God/Source/Creator/Divine Mother, to be able to commune with him/her/it in our prayers and meditations.
So keep it simple in 2014 by meditating or contemplating more and you will come to know what the truth is in your own heart.