Omega Channellings

Message from Omega – Channelled by Stephanie Samson  3 December 2013
Beacons of Light

Greetings dear one, I am pleased to be able to communicate with you again. Many changes are happening in your world, mainly changes in attitude to certain deeds and events that people are no longer willing to tolerate.
People are no longer willing to stand back and accept acts of depravity and cruelty that have been taking place in certain sectors of society. People are taking responsibility for changing the world and what happens within their societies.
Love and kindness for others is more and more becoming the normal and accepted way to live and you are no longer able to allow certain acts to continue. You will of course already be aware of these changes of attitudes from reports in your television news and your newspapers.
At last the high vibrational and light filled energies that we are sending to earth are having their effect. This pleases us very much and we send our gratitude to all those who carry the light to illuminate the dark corners of your world.
We ask that you be beacons in the dark to change the minds of the perpetrators of vile acts and to influence others to accept and to carry the light throughout society. You can influence everyone with your light so that they can be a good example for the growing children to see.
Let children be children and do not allow anyone to expose them to dark adult themes that will corrupt their innocent minds. Show the way with light and love and you will lead them to the beautiful new earth that awaits everyone.

We know that more people will be affected by the vibrations of light and love at this time on earth because of the wonderful celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ. This will continue to happen now and into 2014 as the energies we are sending increase in vibration and light.

Many will accept the light but some will still resist and therefore you must shine all the more brightly so you may illuminate their lives too. You have to be the light, be the love and be the peace for all to see and feel.

May peace and love be with you all.


Message from Omega - Channelled by Stephanie Samson 7 June 2013
Time To Heed The Call

I come to speak with you again today with love. I would like to bring your attention to all the issues relating to the feminine energies that are starting to be resolved around the earth since my last discourse.

You will note that there has been some shift in the masculine energies regarding the status of women in India and Pakistan. More respect is finally being afforded to women due to the influx of feminine energies that we have been sending to your earth plane since 2012. Indeed this respect is now being demanded!

There has also been a change in Britain with many of your well known celebrities being brought to account for their past disrespect of women. This will come to the fore more and more as the re-balancing of the energies continues.

There has also been a change in the way that people regard the sexual abuse of children around the world. Much of this abuse has been attributed to the many terrible images that have been distributed on your internet. These images have polluted the minds of many men and young boys who have come to see children and women as objects to be used for the satisfaction of their base desires.

Many men of religion have also been found wanting in their treatment of young children who placed their trust in them. This is also changing as people are standing up and demanding change and be assured that this change is coming.

We will continue to flood the earth with our feminine energies, our love and light until the world is in complete balance and harmony when all the abuse and violation will no longer happen.

Many people are now hearing the clarion call to wake up and see the true reality beyond the material world in which they reside. A more beautiful reality awaits everyone so we urge you to spread the word by your actions and the way you live your own lives. That word is love and the message is wake up. Wake up!!

I leave you with the love of us all and with the knowledge that we all reside in the light and love of God, our one true Source.
Message from Omega - Channelled by Stephanie Samson 17 August 2012
Bringing in the Divine Feminine
Welcome again my beloved Stephanie. It is with great joy that I speak with you once again. I have watched with much pleasure your recent efforts in your journey along the path home.
You have become aware of the teachings of the masters and how much we wish you all to succeed in bringing the light to earth and raising the vibrations of the planet so that the Ascension can be made at this time.
This year is a wonderful opportunity for all who are incarnated on earth at this time to balance your karma and achieve ascension. The Great White Brotherhood of the Great Central Sun wishes you all well in your journey and sends love to the secret chamber of your heart so you may transmit this out into the world.
The work you are doing at this time in anchoring the peace, light and the mother love into the earth is extremely important if we are to succeed in our goal. Through the work of Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Lady Nada, Lady Venus, myself and other cosmic beings of feminine divine energy we can balance the energies of the earth.
For too long has the earth been dominated by the masculine energies which is why there have been so may wars and much hatred in your world. By bringing back the divine feminine aspect to earth we can bring back the love that is required to redress the balance.
For some time now the feminine energies have been pushing back the masculine energies on earth and I can tell you that towards the end of your year 2012 the tipping point will be reached. From that moment on the masculine energies of the earth will be pushed back to 5% past the central point which will mean that masculine dominance will be over and it will herald a time of reasoning, love and joy not known in aeons.
Message from Omega - Channelled by Stephanie Samson 19 July 2009

Your Innate Gift

The mind is capable of understanding many things which may not seem possible on the earth plane, much more than you could possibly imagine. Your higher self knows much more than your conscious self will ever know.

It is our purpose in communicating with you to teach you how to take advantage of the knowledge you are unaware that you have. We in the spirit world love you and want you to reach your highest potential both on earth and spiritually.

There is much you will learn and much you must bring into your life in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. We are here to help you to be able to vibrate on a higher level and attain the goals you set yourself before you were born into the earth plane.

The purpose of your life on earth is to learn the lessons you need to enable your soul to vibrate at the highest level possible once you return to spirit.

Everyone is open to channelling if they truly want to. There is no specific way of asking for a connection, you only need to open your heart to us and we will be there to help you and be of service where needed.

Many people call themselves mediums as if this was something special to them, but this is not the case and anyone can be open to channel when the time is right. Most people do not realise this and simply do not believe they are capable of this themselves.

They may have had a reading with mediums, clairvoyants, spiritualists, call them what you will, not understanding that everyone has this innate gift inside themselves. The thing you need to learn is how to access this gift you all have and believe yourself worthy of having it.

You are all loved dearly by God and all of us in spirit and we truly want you to be able to connect with us and develop spiritually to the highest level you can. Some people are never able to accept this innate gift and will therefore never achieve their true potential on earth. For without accepting that you are a truly spiritual being, capable of achieving anything you desire, you will never attain true happiness.

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