Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Believing in Myself

I haven't posted for a while as I've been in a bit of a strange place for me.
I haven't felt well since around July, then there was a family bereavement and then I received a diagnosis for my not feeling well! It came as a bit of a shock as I have always thought, that apart from the usual aches and pains due to ageing, I was quite healthy.
Turns out I was wrong, and after never having anything seriously wrong with me all my life, I now have something that could have been very serious had it not been discovered in time. It's not cancer or anything so that is a blessing in itself, but it's bad enough to be a worry.
I am determined to get well and not let fear take hold of me as that can only make things worse. I will concentrate on seeing myself as completely healed and not hold myself in illness.
I will continue to meditate and receive and feel unconditional love from the universe, my guides and guardian angels and also love myself. By raising my vibrations I can help to heal any physical ailments and pain.
By believing in myself and recognising that I am not this physical body I inhabit in this lifetime I can help to heal myself. We all must try to do this, though I know for some people it's not easy. We are all magnificent spiritual beings just passing through this lifetime and when our dense, physical bodies start to wear out we don't need to worry because we will all carry on home to where we came from. Life is never ending.