Wednesday, 19 August 2015

What Comes Next?

Do you believe in reincarnation or do you think we are only here this one time? Do you even believe in the afterlife or do you think that once we die there is simply nothing?

It's a hard one to get our heads around alright but the older we get the more we feel the need to understand it. 

I definitely "know" I've lived many lives before although only one or two come to me as shadowy memories, in dreams or when I'm meditating. Some people claim to remember many lives but I'm quite glad that I can't because it would really be confusing trying to decide which memory comes from which lifetime!

Over the last few years I have read many books dealing with this very subject but I still can't truthfully say I know what is going to happen when I shuffle off this mortal coil. The one thing I can say is that I am no longer afraid of death. I now have the certainty that my consciousness will live on once I "drop my robe" as the Native Americans referred to passing away.

I believe there is the One Supreme Creator and that all the messengers that were sent to teach us over the ages are now Ascended Masters who are still available for us to contact. Their wisdom is still with us as is their love for us and we just have to accept both into our hearts to feel at peace with ourselves.

Reincarnation is not a punishment because we have "bad Karma", it is the chance to learn the lessons we require for the evolution of our souls. We won't be forced to come back if we aren't ready but eventually we will want to because we still have lessons to learn while in a physical body.

The difficult bit is that we usually won't remember which lesson it is we have come back to learn! This is why we live lives that constantly present the same situations to us until we recognise that that situation is what we must deal with. For instance we may keep getting into relationships with totally unsuitable partners who abuse us and make us feel unlovable. The lesson to learn here is that we are totally lovable and that we should learn to love ourselves above all so that we never allow anyone else to hurt us. Once we love ourselves we give off a different vibration which can only attract people who will know this and will love us too.

Eventually after probably thousands of lifetimes we will have learnt our lessons, travelled our path and reached the end. Not the end of our consciousness but the end of the cycle of birth and re-birth when we can finally go back home!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Starting Out

What are we searching for in our lives? What is it we feel is lacking in our lives? We may have a happy family life, a lovely home and a job we love but still there is something missing.
Just what that missing something is can be hard to determine and can take many years to discover. This I believe is why we eventually start out on our spiritual path not knowing what we are looking for or where we are going.

It can take a lifetime to realise that there is something more we need before we eventually, even begrudgingly, start out on our search. Once we make that decision to head off down our spiritual path we soon discover that every person we meet along the way is our teacher. We discover too that every situation, good or bad, is a lesson we need to learn.
Our whole life is in fact a journey along life’s path but until you do it consciously you don’t realise you are on a spiritual path back home. The moment this happens you start to notice the teachers and lessons they are bringing to you. You realise that until you learn those lessons you will be faced with more teachers bringing you the same lessons over and over till you do!

All paths are valid ways to guide us back home and no one way is better than another. Everyone’s path is unique and doesn’t need to be the same as anyone else’s. What is right for one person may be wrong for someone else, so never compare yourself to other people.
The one thing we must do is to love ourselves above all else. Once we start to do this we can then see others as love and start to remember that we are all connected. We are all one.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Respecting The Beliefs of Others and Past Civilisations

I am deeply saddened by the sight of the so called Islamic State destroying the remains of the  ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud in what is now northern Iraq. This site is believed to have been built in the 13th century BC.

The sheer disrespect and ignorance of the belief systems of these ancient civilisations is just staggering. The same can be said for the previous destruction of the Ancient Buddhas in Afghanistan by the taliban.

This along with the barbaric murders and other atrocities being carried out in the name of God is really appalling. Whatever happened to Islam the religion of love and peace? It must still be there somewhere and I only hope that any ordinary, sane Muslims out there will take back the ownership of their religion soon.

I wouldn't want to be part of a religion that is so intolerant it declares that all non-believers should be beheaded! I hope that these violent people will be overthrown soon and that no more sensless killings will take place and no more  ancient sites will be destroyed.

Let us please all listen to the God within us, that still small voice in our hearts and everyone will know that war, death  and destruction are not part of God's plan for us.

I am sending out love and light to this situation and envisioning a world of peace and love. When enough of us can do the same then we can truly find peace on earth.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Looking Forward to Spring

It's taken some time but at last I'm feeling better! Time to forget about recent ailments, pull myself together and get back to regular posting on this blog.

Winter seemed so long, even though it was relatively mild, but now I can look forward to Spring. The beautiful golden yellow daffodills are blooming in the hedgerows and gardens and that alone is enough to brighten anyone's day.

On 20th March it's a new moon so that's great for new beginnings both personally and for nature. A great time for us to improve our health and wellbeing and the beginning of Spring.

It is also a total eclipse which is a rare thing to observe here in the British Isles. The full total eclipse will only be visible in the far northern isles of Scotland but the rest of the country will see at least around an 80% eclipse. The weather may stick it's oar in by spoiling the view with lots of cloud!

I always feel a wonderful returning energy in Spring. A continuing energy of birth and re-birth that never ends. Let's all try and immerse ourselves in Mother Nature at this time and absorb the wonderful energies she gives us.