Winter seemed so long, even though it was relatively mild, but now I can look forward to Spring. The beautiful golden yellow daffodills are blooming in the hedgerows and gardens and that alone is enough to brighten anyone's day.
On 20th March it's a new moon so that's great for new beginnings both personally and for nature. A great time for us to improve our health and wellbeing and the beginning of Spring.
It is also a total eclipse which is a rare thing to observe here in the British Isles. The full total eclipse will only be visible in the far northern isles of Scotland but the rest of the country will see at least around an 80% eclipse. The weather may stick it's oar in by spoiling the view with lots of cloud!
I always feel a wonderful returning energy in Spring. A continuing energy of birth and re-birth that never ends. Let's all try and immerse ourselves in Mother Nature at this time and absorb the wonderful energies she gives us.