The enormous increase in energies flowing from Source continues as we approach the half-way mark of 2013.
I know that I'm not alone in feeling these energies flooding my physical body and activating my heart centre.
Often throughout my day I feel that prickly tingling feeling at the top or back of my head which I've come to know is confirmation from Spirit that whatever I'm thinking or talking about is correct. This also happens when I ask if something I'm doing or want to do is for my highest good. Yes tingling is good!
An air of excitement is all around these days, like something wonderful is about to happen and we are all going to be part of it. Never mind those people who feel cheated because the world didn't end on 21st December 2012 and they didn't find themselves ascended into paradise.
I know that if we carry on bringing in the light and sending out love and light to the world we will all feel the change here on Earth. Eventually we will build the New World here on Earth, the fifth dimensional world where we will live in peace and infinite joy for ever.