Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Feminine Energies Increasing in 2013

Since 2009 I have been receiving channelled information from a cosmic being who introduced themselves to me as Omega.
I asked no questions and only recorded what ever information Omega wished to give and was unaware of exactly what I was being told until I read it through afterwards. These channellings are shown on the separate page Omega Channelings.
Over the last two years I was priviliged to be witness to the birthing on Earth of new energies coming from light beings of the Great Central Sun. I was part of the first group to receive attunements of various new energies that form part of what is now known as Tranquil Light.
The Tranquil Light Ascension Course was birthed in Jersey, Channel Islands and the information was channelled by Sue McAllister, Marie Daly and Suki Cartwright. The main difference with Tranquil Light and other energy healing modalities is that one actually "becomes" Tranquil Light and so you just "be it" rather than do it.
Tranquil Light can be combined with other modalities such as Crystal Healing or Reiki, but there are no instructions to follow or or hand positions to use - you just radiate it out of your being. It has been well received and people have said how relaxing they found it and that they just felt like they had gone "somewhere else".

If you are interested in learning more about Tranquil Light please go to the website .

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