Monday, 22 July 2013

Joyful Living

In these busy times we live in, many of us feel unable to acknowledge the joy in our lives.

A dictionary will give the definition of joy as “a feeling of great happiness or pleasure” or maybe “a cause of delight”. The adjective of joy is joyful which means “causing or expressing joy”. Then we have the adverb joyfully which can be used when we are doing something with joy leading us to be full of joyfulness.
We are always being told to “enjoy” in restaurants, cafés and bars, etc., in an almost robotic automated way, without any true feeling behind it.

The dictionary tells us that enjoy means “to take pleasure or satisfaction in something” or “ to take experience something desirable”.

The word joy seems to be bandied about without much thought as to how one is to achieve this state of joy, joyfulness or joyousness.

It appears that we are seeking joy in the wrong places. We are looking for outward stimuli to feel joyful which of course leads us to seek ever more activities in order to maintain this joyfulness. Activities such as shopping, eating, drinking, gaming and any other kind of consumerism that can be used to drag us out of our lethargy.

My recommendation for bringing joy into your life is to seek it within. Be still and meditate. Go into your heart and feel the love coming to you from the Divine. Bring in the light from Source through your crown chakra and hold it in your heart and you will soon feel the joy of being loved unconditionally.

Once you feel this unconditonal love for yourself and others you will soon know what joyful living is like and believe me you won’t want to live any other way.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Dolphins, Unicorns, Fairies and Elementals

We read a lot about how the energies of these wonderful beings are coming back to earth because they wish to work with us once again.

Of course the dolphins are still with us physically but unicorns, fairies and elementals inhabit the higher vibrational realms so that most of us aren’t able to see them. Although we might not see them, they are still all around us and many people can feel their beautiful energies whilst walking in nature, particularly in woodland areas it seems.

I would particularly love to see a unicorn as I have a strong resonance with horses and of course the unicorn is a type of horse. I have never had the privilage of seeing one and perhaps I’ve been trying too hard and must learn to remove any blockages I may have to seeing them. I will definitely be working on releasing any blockages during my meditations so I can become more open and accepting of these mythical beings that once roamed the earth in physical form.

Many of us have blockages that prevent us from seeing and believing in unicorns, fairies and elementals due to us being taught as children that they only exist in fairy tales. Many children have seen them and been told that it was only their imagination, so eventually this has produced the blockages that now need to be released.
I’m still working on mine and you might want to work on yours too, as who wouldn’t want to see fairies and elementals in your garden with a unicorn standing nearby under a tree? How fabulous that would be!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Living in Two Worlds

With all the energies that continue to flood the Earth at this time I feel like I'm on the threshold of the new 5th dimensional world.
One minute I am maybe meditating or doing something creative like making jewellery and feeling all peaceful and filled with love and light. The next I can be brought back down to our dense 3rd dimensional "reality" with a bump because of some negative emotion that comes into my thinking.
This can be because of something I hear on the news or read in a newspaper. It can be by my partner complaining about something in his normal negative way or it can be caused by something as simple as opening another bill!
It's hard to live in two worlds, but that is how I think those of us on the path are living. We try constantly to live in love, light and peace in our 5th dimensional world but keep being pulled back down to the 3rd dimension!
All we can do is persevere in our efforts to raise our vibrations and to keep them raised so eventually we will only be living in the one 5th dimensional world. The old 3rd dimensional world will fall away in time so that none of us need return to that world of dense matter.
Keep on bringing in the light and giving out unconditional love and you will get there in the end. We all will.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Walk in the Light

We need to walk in the Light at all times to assist us along our Spiritual path. I found this prayer some time ago and use it daily, often along with the Lord's Prayer.
This prayer is about gratitude and about forgiving both others and ourselves. Try using it yourselves and see the changes it can bring to how you feel about others.
Oh Mother/Father/Creator/God I give thanks for all of the lessons and blessings in my life;
I forgive others for all of their actions against me as I request forgiveness for all of my actions against others;
I ask that I be filled with the Christ's Light of God's unconditional love so I may always walk in your light.
Say the Amen emphatically so that you are setting your intentions to forgive and be forgiven and to always walk in the Light.

Monday, 8 July 2013


I was on YouTube the other day looking at videos with various messages and channellings from Ascended Masters and star people. Some of these rang true with me and some didn’t feel quite right.

I also same across a lot of quite fanatical religeous messages warning of dire consequences of alien contact or “satanic” channellings. These sites just serve to hold people in fear in the hope they won’t accept the messages of love and light that are coming through at this time.

The thing I find most disturbing are that some of the comments posted for all kinds of videos are really quite vile and abusive. I can’t repeat here some of the language that I’ve seen used.

Everyone has free will to look at what they like and if you don’t like it you don’t go there again. You use your discernment to say “that’s not for me” but there is no need to post insulting personal  comments on something you don’t agree with.

It’s not our place to judge anyone, right or wrong. Just use discernment and move on to something you do resonate with.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Gratitude and Abundance

A lot has been written about manifesting the things you want in your life, cosmic ordering and abundance etc., but not so much about gratitude.

People spend time making story boards or writing lists of what they want to have or achieve, some even stating exactly when they want have it!

Mostly these wishes are material desires for better cars, homes and even handbags! Before we start to demand these things from the Universe we should give heartfelt thanks for what we already have in our life.

Gratitude should always come first in my view and the Universe will provide everything we really need. This may not always be exactly what we wanted but it is usually sufficient for our needs at this time in our life.

Abundance is having everything we need and not everything we desire. The Universe does provide everything we need, which includes insights and ideas on how to improve our ability to attain the better salaries, homes, cars that we would like. We have to listen to our inner guidance in order to receive these insights and ideas, which many people simply don’t do.

Be truly grateful for the life you have and listen out for the guidance that will bring the improvements you’d like in your life. Nothing is going to miraculously appear without you doing anything! Ask by all means, but just be aware that it’s you who can achieve what you want once you have listened and acted on the guidance given by your higher self.

Give thanks, pray, listen and receive!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

No Dogma Needed Here

I have been reading a lot of spiritual books recently, some of them quite old, and I noticed that many of them have complicated rituals on how to pass the various initiations required to attain ascension.

Although I love the basic information given in these books I feel that now, with the new energies flooding Earth at this time, it is no longer necessary to perform such rituals. As long as our sincere intention is to ascend and we live correctly, meditate, pray and see every other person as a divine soul, as we are ourselves, ascension will come when the time is right.

Intention, acceptance of the new energies, light and unconditional love can replace these outdated rituals and dogma. In my view this so-called new age dogma only replaced the dogma of organised religions which we are trying to get away from. We don’t need dogma when we have the divine power to communicate not only with our Higher Self and Monad but with our Mother/Father/Creator/God, the One, Source.

We are all beautiful Divine Sons and Daughters of God and as long as we remember to see our selves as this and not as just a body we can’t go too far off the path. Being love, being light and seeing everyone else as being love and light, how can we attack anyone, either verbally or physically? This is the way to bring about peace – first in our hearts and then out in the world.