Monday, 22 July 2013

Joyful Living

In these busy times we live in, many of us feel unable to acknowledge the joy in our lives.

A dictionary will give the definition of joy as “a feeling of great happiness or pleasure” or maybe “a cause of delight”. The adjective of joy is joyful which means “causing or expressing joy”. Then we have the adverb joyfully which can be used when we are doing something with joy leading us to be full of joyfulness.
We are always being told to “enjoy” in restaurants, cafés and bars, etc., in an almost robotic automated way, without any true feeling behind it.

The dictionary tells us that enjoy means “to take pleasure or satisfaction in something” or “ to take experience something desirable”.

The word joy seems to be bandied about without much thought as to how one is to achieve this state of joy, joyfulness or joyousness.

It appears that we are seeking joy in the wrong places. We are looking for outward stimuli to feel joyful which of course leads us to seek ever more activities in order to maintain this joyfulness. Activities such as shopping, eating, drinking, gaming and any other kind of consumerism that can be used to drag us out of our lethargy.

My recommendation for bringing joy into your life is to seek it within. Be still and meditate. Go into your heart and feel the love coming to you from the Divine. Bring in the light from Source through your crown chakra and hold it in your heart and you will soon feel the joy of being loved unconditionally.

Once you feel this unconditonal love for yourself and others you will soon know what joyful living is like and believe me you won’t want to live any other way.

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