Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Weather Matters

We have all been experiencing some pretty awful weather over the last couple of months and it often feels like it will never end. With half the country flooded and no hope of it all drying up anytime soon I’m sure the poor people whose homes have been ruined can find little to be grateful for.

 I try to look at it a little bit differently to see if I can find something good in all the misery. I myself am obviously not affected as I don’t live somewhere like the Somerset Levels or the Thames Valley so it is easy for me to do this.
If those flooded out of their homes could possibly find anything at all that they can be grateful for in all of this they may find some comfort and peace within. Universal law says that every action has a reaction so perhaps all the flooding can bring about a positive reaction somewhere down the line.

Maybe the government will have a positive reaction to this disaster and make sure that in future the rivers are dredged and better permanent flood defences are put in place. Sometimes it takes disaster to bring about a positive change in both actions and attitudes.

This of course will not feel like comfort now, but once everyone is back in their homes and the memories start to fade a little maybe it will. Maybe it will never happen again because someone will react positively to make sure of it.
Let’s all pray that it never happens again but Mother Nature is a powerful force and it isn’t always possible to fight her. Perhaps instead we can work with her and by taking the path of least resistance, just like the flow of a river, can ensure that she may have her way a little without so much devastation.

Mother Earth is having a good cleansing all over at the moment and after cleansing comes healing so for that we can all be grateful.

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