Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Healing Through Forgiveness

Someone I loved, and to whom I was very close for many years, is ill and is nearing the end of their life.
We went our separate ways years ago but the hurt remained in my heart and mind for a long time. I thought I was able to forgive them and in time and we became friends, but the pain was still there deep down for both of us and it was always an uneasy truce.
At the end of last year we fell out again and swore never to have anything to do with each other again. This proved very cathartic for me and I was finally able to cut the energetic cords that had bound us together for many years and I finally let them go.
I have since meditated a lot on our relationship and realise that I had not truly forgiven them before as I thought, because I had not forgiven myself for the way I had perceived their past actions. I allowed the hurt to fester as I didn't know then that it is how we perceive the actions of others that leads to the pain we carry inside.
I know now that not only have I truly forgiven them but also forgiven myself for my perception of these actions. I had allowed the hurt to remain in my heart but now it has gone and the pain is healed.
I am preparing to visit them in hospice today and I hope that they will have felt my forgiveness and that they can forgive themselves too and finally find inner peace and healing.

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