Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Believing in Myself

I haven't posted for a while as I've been in a bit of a strange place for me.
I haven't felt well since around July, then there was a family bereavement and then I received a diagnosis for my not feeling well! It came as a bit of a shock as I have always thought, that apart from the usual aches and pains due to ageing, I was quite healthy.
Turns out I was wrong, and after never having anything seriously wrong with me all my life, I now have something that could have been very serious had it not been discovered in time. It's not cancer or anything so that is a blessing in itself, but it's bad enough to be a worry.
I am determined to get well and not let fear take hold of me as that can only make things worse. I will concentrate on seeing myself as completely healed and not hold myself in illness.
I will continue to meditate and receive and feel unconditional love from the universe, my guides and guardian angels and also love myself. By raising my vibrations I can help to heal any physical ailments and pain.
By believing in myself and recognising that I am not this physical body I inhabit in this lifetime I can help to heal myself. We all must try to do this, though I know for some people it's not easy. We are all magnificent spiritual beings just passing through this lifetime and when our dense, physical bodies start to wear out we don't need to worry because we will all carry on home to where we came from. Life is never ending.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Healing Through Forgiveness

Someone I loved, and to whom I was very close for many years, is ill and is nearing the end of their life.
We went our separate ways years ago but the hurt remained in my heart and mind for a long time. I thought I was able to forgive them and in time and we became friends, but the pain was still there deep down for both of us and it was always an uneasy truce.
At the end of last year we fell out again and swore never to have anything to do with each other again. This proved very cathartic for me and I was finally able to cut the energetic cords that had bound us together for many years and I finally let them go.
I have since meditated a lot on our relationship and realise that I had not truly forgiven them before as I thought, because I had not forgiven myself for the way I had perceived their past actions. I allowed the hurt to fester as I didn't know then that it is how we perceive the actions of others that leads to the pain we carry inside.
I know now that not only have I truly forgiven them but also forgiven myself for my perception of these actions. I had allowed the hurt to remain in my heart but now it has gone and the pain is healed.
I am preparing to visit them in hospice today and I hope that they will have felt my forgiveness and that they can forgive themselves too and finally find inner peace and healing.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Living in Harmony with Mother Earth

I have been so busy recently that I've had no time to post anything new! I have been reading a lot too, mainly older books that were published before I started out on my spiritual path.
The subjects I've been reading about are quite diverse and I have found my self having to be very discerning about what information I am taking onboard. Some of it resonates completely but a lot of it doesn't resonate with me at all.
I am finding myself drawn back to Native American wisdom teachings as one of my spirit guides reveals herself to me as a Lakota woman. She is always nearby when I am giving a healing so I think of her as my healing guide.
I love the way the indigenous tribes lived in harmony with all of Nature and honoured Mother Earth who provided everything they needed. This harmony and abundance was of course taken away from them so cruelly by the white man who was unable to accept them as equals and had no respect for their ancient way of life.
Of course here in Britain we also used to live side by side with Nature and her elementals, honouring Mother Earth in much the same way as the Native Americans and others such as the Australian Aboriginal people did.
It seems though that many don't have the time or the desire to live in harmony with Gaia or Mother Earth on whom we depend for our existance. Consumerism rules these days, but we would all benefit from taking a look back into our own ancestry to see what we could glean from their wisdom that is still relevant in our lives today.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Rites of Spring

I love this time of year as it is the time of new growth. Blossom on trees and fresh green leaves bursting forth leading us up to the Summer Solstice in June.

This time of year is also known as Beltane to Pagans and others who love and honour Mother Earth. It is a very popular Celtic tradition and in the past in spring time, at the beginning of the farming calendar, everybody would be hoping for a fruitful year for their families and fields.

Festivities involved fire which was thought to cleanse, purify and increase fertility. Cattle were often passed between two fires and the properties of the flame and the smoke were seen to ensure the fertility of the herd.

Fire is still the most important element of most Beltane celebrations and there are many traditions associated with it. It is seen to have purifying qualities which cleanse and revitalise. People leap over the Beltane fire to bring good fortune, fertility (of mind, body and spirit) and happiness through the coming year.

 Many people think it is all to do with witchcraft and involves sex! Although there may be an element of sexuality in the background, it is mainly all to do with fertility of the land and giving thanks to Gaia.

 We probably all remember seeing or joining in with dancing around the Maypole on 1st May at some time in our lives. This tradition is also part of the Beltane festivities.
This time of the year is the time to bring forth our own creativity and start to grow our own dreams and desires. It’s a time to bring our masculine and feminine energies into balance. It is thought to be the time when Goddess and Green Man came together and became one, a time of fertility.
Green Man

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Weather Matters

We have all been experiencing some pretty awful weather over the last couple of months and it often feels like it will never end. With half the country flooded and no hope of it all drying up anytime soon I’m sure the poor people whose homes have been ruined can find little to be grateful for.

 I try to look at it a little bit differently to see if I can find something good in all the misery. I myself am obviously not affected as I don’t live somewhere like the Somerset Levels or the Thames Valley so it is easy for me to do this.
If those flooded out of their homes could possibly find anything at all that they can be grateful for in all of this they may find some comfort and peace within. Universal law says that every action has a reaction so perhaps all the flooding can bring about a positive reaction somewhere down the line.

Maybe the government will have a positive reaction to this disaster and make sure that in future the rivers are dredged and better permanent flood defences are put in place. Sometimes it takes disaster to bring about a positive change in both actions and attitudes.

This of course will not feel like comfort now, but once everyone is back in their homes and the memories start to fade a little maybe it will. Maybe it will never happen again because someone will react positively to make sure of it.
Let’s all pray that it never happens again but Mother Nature is a powerful force and it isn’t always possible to fight her. Perhaps instead we can work with her and by taking the path of least resistance, just like the flow of a river, can ensure that she may have her way a little without so much devastation.

Mother Earth is having a good cleansing all over at the moment and after cleansing comes healing so for that we can all be grateful.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Keep it Simple in 2014

Now the festivities of Christmas and New Year have passed we can get on with the normality of the everyday lives most of us lead.
The morning alarm, the commute to work, the school run - all very mundane after the madness of the festive season. I like mundane, it's much more peaceful than all that worrying and rushing round the shops buying food and drink that nobody really needs and searching for that special gift!
Let's all take a deep breath in and get back to normality. Let's enjoy the peace and quiet. Let's keep it simple.
Our ego loves us to be preoccupied with the complexities of life. It loves us to become involved in the minute details, instructions and rules on how to do this and that because then we are not focussing on our spiritual path.
Our ego loves it when we join endless courses and workshops to learn basically what we already know about healing and spirituality. This is because whilst we are forever learning something different, we never actually get to use anything we learn.
There are many different spiritual pathways to follow, but the basic premise is the same, the destination is the same, the goal is the same. That goal is to reach God/Source/Creator/Divine Mother, to be able to commune with him/her/it in our prayers and meditations.
So keep it simple in 2014 by meditating or contemplating more and you will come to know what the truth is in your own heart.